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Change/ Forgot password

What is it
Please read the guide if you need help with changing your password or you forgot your password and would like create a new one.

Who is it for
All users that would like to change or forgot their password.

Change password

  1. Go to https://admin.contractuo.com/login to login.
  2. Click on your avatar.
  3. Go to the first section, called ‘User details‘ and enter a new safe password in the ‘password’ field.
  4. Confirm your password.
  5. Click on ‘Save Changes‘. Your password has been changed.

Forgot password

  1. If you tried to log in but the inserted password was incorrect, click on ‘Forgot your password?‘ under the ‘Login’ button.
  2. Enter the email address that you use for your account.
  3. Click on ‘Send Password Reset Link‘.
  4. Open your email address and open the email ‘Reset password’.
  5. Click on the button ‘Reset Password‘.
  6. Enter a new password and confirm it. Note that the password must have 8 or more characters with a mix of uppercase, lowercase and numbers.
  7. Click ‘Confirm Password reset‘ and you will be logged in with your new password.
Updated on July 24, 2023

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