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Create product templates

What is it
With a product template you can create products that have the same structure. This is done by selecting a blueprint and putting forms in the right order and on the right level once.

Who is it for
Creating a product template is done in the Prospects module, which is commonly used by product departments. The creation of product templates is done in the admin environment. This environment is typically used by users that create content for documents. They are often content expert, but can also be external experts.

Why use product templates

Product templates are useful for creating products that have a similar structure. Think of mono-funds and umbrella funds. Or funds with a different law structure like SICAV and FCP. Using templates saves a lot of time and effort building these large documents. No need to start from scratch: the user creating this document only needs to fill in the required data which is needed to generate the product.

In addition, templates help to ensure consistency across all documents of a particular type. Also, they can help prevent errors that might occur when creating these document from scratch.  general data protection regulations, insurance policy.

Another big benefit is that structural changes can be made centrally without having to open and change a bunch of documents. The template what holds forms, text blocks and form fields together. If a change has been made, the template will automatically be up to date.

How it works

Create the structure of the product by putting forms with their text blocks attached in a specific order under each other. To create the end-document fill in the forms. The data from the forms will fill in the fields of the text blocks. The text blocks, from top to bottom, tie together and form the end-product: the document.

Note: The attached text blocks are determined in the product blueprint.

Determine the order, but also the level. By putting forms on different levels, you will create a hierarchy in the forms. The hierarchy determines if and how the information provided in the form fields is being used in multiple text blocks.

Example: If we take a sub fund with three asset classes as an example, you create a form with its text blocks attached for a sub fund and the same for an asset class. When you create the product, you add one sub fund form on the first level and three asset class forms on the second level. This way you connect the forms.

If you want to add information of a field about the asset classes into a text block of a sub fund, you can just add that field to the text block. We take the field ‘asset type’ as an example. Each form needs to be filled in: the sub fund form and all three asset class forms. The field ‘asset type form’ will be filled in three times as each asset class has its own form. Therefore, the field in the text block of the sub fund will extract the information from all three forms, put it in the text and separate the data with a comma.

Rules and result in the end-document

As described above, the order and level of forms determine if and how the data of form fields are being reused in other places. Find an overview below of the impact of having forms on different levels.

Note: A parent is a form on a higher level. A child is a form on a lower level.

Same forms, same level

  • If there are two or more of the same forms (with the same text blocks attached) on the same level, you will have to fill in all form fields. None of them will be prefilled. Note that this rule is also for the children.

Result in document: two or more separate chapters where each form that has been filled in results in an own piece of text with its own data.

Different forms, one or more of the same fields, same level

  • If there are two or more different forms with a same form field on the same level, only one field needs to be filled in, the rest will be prefilled with the same data. Note that this rule is also for the children.

Result in document: the same data is used in both forms for the same fields and will be obtained by the text blocks attached to those forms that contain this form field.

Different forms, one or more of the same fields, different level

  • If there are two different forms that contain one or more of the same fields on another level (a parent, a child possibly a child of the child), only one field needs to be filled in. The rest will be prefilled with the same data.

Result in document: the same data is used in the forms for the same fields and will be obtained by the text blocks attached to those forms that contain this form field.

Text block that contains a field that is not in the attached form

If there is a text block that contains a form field that is not in the attached form, the text block will try to:

  • Obtain information from its children. If there is a form (or multiple forms) with this field, the data will be used in the text block. If there are multiple children on the same level, all data will be used and put in the text block, separated by a comma.
  • Obtain information from its parent. If there is a form with this field (or multiple), the data will be used in the text block.  If there are multiple children on the same level, all data will be used and put in the text block, separated by a comma.

Note: also for the children follows the rule: if there are two forms on the same level with one or more of the same form fields, only one field needs to be filled in, the other one will automatically be prefilled.

How to create a product template

  1. Go to the ‘Prospect‘ module and click on ‘Product Template‘.
  2. Click on ‘Create‘.
  3. Enter a product template name.
  4. Select a blueprint that you would like to use. This means you’re choosing a combination of text blocks attached to forms. Go to ‘Product blueprint‘ if you would like to know which text blocks attached to which forms.
  5. Tick the box if you want to enable the user using this template to add forms to the first level.
  6. Add the forms by dragging them. Keep in mind that the order of the forms will determine the content of your document. Drag them to right place in terms of order (from top to bottom). Also drag them to the right level. The levels are going up from left to right.
  7. Click on ‘Save Product Template‘ to save the structure of the product.
Updated on February 19, 2024
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