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Smart Fields in the Prospect Module

What are Smart Fields?

Imagine having intelligent placeholders within your financial product documents that automatically insert relevant information. Smart Fields are dynamic data sources that streamline document creation by pulling information from various sources:

  • User Input: Data entered during the “Fill Product” process (e.g., investment amount, risk tolerance).
  • Pre-Populated Data: Information drawn from other forms or templates (e.g., fund name, fees).
  • External Databases (Optional): Data retrieved from integrated databases (e.g., regulatory benchmarks).

Benefits of Smart Fields:

  • Effortless Efficiency: Eliminate repetitive data entry and expedite document creation.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: Reduce errors by automating data population.
  • Guaranteed Consistency: Ensure consistent information use across documents.
  • Dynamic Content: Tailor documents based on user input, creating flexibility.
  • Simplified Collaboration: Facilitate teamwork by allowing colleagues to contribute data through designated forms.

Real-World Examples with Smart Fields

Let’s see Smart Fields in action for different financial products:

  • Example 1: Umbrella Fund Prospectus
    • Smart Field Name: [[Fund Name]] – Automatically inserts the umbrella fund’s name throughout the document.
    • Smart Field Name: [[Sub-Fund List]] – Populates a table with details of each sub-fund (name, investment objective) using pre-defined data.
    • Smart Field Name: [[Risk Disclaimer]] (Conditional) – Inserts a risk disclaimer based on the selected risk level for a sub-fund (condition: “Sub-Fund Risk Level” equals “High”).
  • Example 2: FCP (French Collective Investment Fund) Prospectus
    • Smart Field Name: [[FCP Type]] – Reflects the specific FCP type (e.g., FCP à capital fixe).
    • Smart Field Name: [[Management Company]] – Automatically populates the company name managing the FCP.
    • Smart Field Name: [[Prospectus Link]] – Includes a link to the latest prospectus document.
  • Example 3: SICAV (Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable) Documentation
    • Smart Field Name: [[Investment Objectives]] – Displays the SICAV’s investment goals.
    • Smart Field Name: [[Capital Structure Table]] – Automatically populates a table outlining the SICAV’s capital breakdown.
    • Smart Field Name: [[Redemption Policy Link]] – Includes a link to the detailed redemption policy document.

Smart Fields with Superpowers: Conditional Logic

Conditional logic takes Smart Fields to the next level. You can define conditions that control whether a Smart Field or even an entire text block appears in the final document. This ensures your documents remain relevant and concise:

  • Example: A risk disclosure section might only appear if a user selects a “high-risk” investment strategy during the “Fill Product” process.

This hierarchical approach means that if a top-level condition isn’t met, nested Text Blocks within sub-forms disappear entirely, keeping documents clean and focused.

How to Use Smart Fields in Contractuo

1. Creating Text Blocks with Smart Fields:

  • Create Text Blocks containing static text and placeholders for Smart Fields.
  • Insert Smart Fields using the dedicated menu or shortcut within the Text Block editor.
  • Define the data source for each Smart Field (user input, pre-populated data, etc.).

2. Implementing Conditional Text and Smart Fields:

  • Utilize conditional logic within Text Blocks to control the visibility of Smart Fields or entire sections.
  • Define conditions based on specific form fields and operators (e.g., if “Risk Level” equals “High”).
  • Choose whether to display or hide the Smart Field or containing text block based on the condition being met.

3. Embedding Text Blocks in Forms:

  • Drag and drop pre-defined Text Blocks containing Smart Fields into relevant forms within your product blueprint.
  • Text Blocks act as content modules that populate the final document.

4. Adding Smart Fields on Forms

While Text Blocks provide a structured way to use Smart Fields, contractuo requires the use of Smart Fields directly on forms within the Prospect Module. This ensures that crucial information is captured during the “Fill Product” process and populates the final documents accurately.

How it Works:

  1. Form Creation: When building your form, you’ll add Smart Fields directly to relevant sections. These Smart Fields act as prompts for user input.
  2. User Input: Users filling the form will see these mandatory Smart Fields and interact with them by entering the necessary data.
  3. Dynamic Population: The information entered by the user in these form-based Smart Fields will automatically populate the associated Text Blocks within your final document.


  • Guaranteed Data Capture: Ensures all essential information is collected during the form-filling process.
  • Streamlined Document Generation: User input directly translates to populated Text Blocks, minimizing manual editing.
  • Reduced Errors: Automates data population, minimizing the risk of errors from manual entry in Text Blocks.


Consider a “Fund Details” section on your form. You’d add mandatory Smart Fields for:

  • Fund Name
  • Investment Strategy
  • Minimum Investment Amount

Users filling the form must provide this information, which will then automatically populate the corresponding Text Blocks throughout the final document (e.g., prospectus, offering memorandum).

Ready to unlock the power of Smart Fields? Explore Contractuo’s Prospect Module and start creating accurate, compliant, and dynamic financial product documents with ease!

Updated on May 28, 2024
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