Manage payment methods

What is it

  • Manage your subscription payments: This section allows you to view and update the payment method associated with your Contractuo subscription.

Who is it for

  • Authorized users with admin privileges:
    • Company administrators: Individuals responsible for managing your organization’s Contractuo account, including billing and subscription settings.
    • Contract administrators: Personnel entrusted with handling contract-related tasks and may also have access to manage payment methods.

Why manage your payment methods?

  • Maintain uninterrupted service: Ensure a valid payment method is linked to avoid service disruptions due to failed payments.
  • Update payment information: Easily update your credit card details if it expires, or switch to SEPA Direct Debit for another payment option.


  • Admin permissions: You must have administrator privileges within your Contractuo organization to access and manage payment methods.
  • Internal authorization: Your organization might have internal approval processes for changes to payment methods. Ensure you have the necessary approvals before proceeding.

Note: The next section will provide detailed instructions on viewing and updating your payment method.

How to find the Manage Payment Methods area

  1. Go to the ‘Settings‘ menu.
  2. Access the ‘Admin’ menu.
  3. Select the ‘Manage Payment Methods‘.

How to add a Credit Card as a Payment Method

Go to the ‘Settings‘ menu, and access the ‘Admin’ menu, select the ‘Manage Payment Methods‘.

  1. Click on ‘Add Payment Method‘.
  2. Select the Credit Card as a payment method.
  3. Fill in the Card number.
  4. Add the expiry date of the card. (The card should be not expired)
  5. Enter the valid CVC/CVV (3 digits).
  6. Enter the Name that is on the card.
  7. Confirm your informations and save them for future payments by clicking on the ‘Confirm’ button.

How to add a SEPA Direct Debit as a Payment Method

Go to the ‘Settings‘ menu, and access the ‘Admin’ menu, select the ‘Manage Payment Methods‘.

  1. Click on ‘Add Payment Method‘.
  2. Select the SEPA Direct Debit as a payment method.
  3. Enter the Holder Name of the SEPA account. (Case-sensitive input)
  4. Enter the Account number (IBAN).
  5. Confirm your informations and save them for future payments by clicking on the ‘Confirm’ button.

Note: If you would like to change the payment method, follow the same steps as described above.

Your Payment Information is Secure:

Contractuo takes your data security seriously. We use industry-standard security measures to encrypt and protect your payment information when you add or update your payment method. This helps ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your financial data.

Updated on February 28, 2024

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