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Create individual and organizational contact fields

What is it
Individual and organizational fields are customizable fields that can be added to your contacts.

Who is it for
Creating individual and organizational fields is mostly done by someone who is responsible for the platform (a platform administrator) and users that got permission to do so.

Why use individual and organizational fields

If you create a contact, you will have to fill in a few standard fields with information. For an individual contact, a few of them include: name, last name, date of birth and phone number. And for an organizational contact: company name, company size and company website.

These fields might not always be enough. For both type of contacts you can create customized contact fields. You might want to have for each individual contact that is an employee an emergency phone number. Or for specific companies you would like to have the address and phone number of the headquarters.

These contact fields are highly customizable. Just like the dynamic fields, you can create fields that are short and long answers, addresses, numbers, emails, drop downs, check boxes and dates.

To easily add these customized fields to a contact, you can connect a group of fields to contact tags. If this tag is selected while creating a contact, these specific fields will show up. If you haven’t created contact tags yet and would like to learn more about them, please go to the following link.

Note: The fields that are created can be used by all users in your organization that have the permission to create contacts.

How to create individual and organizational fields

Go to ‘Contacts’ in the left sidebar and click on ‘Individual fields’ or ‘Organizational fields’ and choose the type of field that you would like to create.

Short answer

A dynamic field with an input that requires a short answer, is an open field where text can be inserted. A few examples for short answer are name, department and policy number. The maximum length is 200 characters.

  1. Click on ‘Short Answer‘.
  2. Click on ‘New Fields‘.
  3. Give this field a suitable name and save it.
  4. Click on the pencil-icon to edit the contact field.
  5. Select one or more tags that you would like to connect this field to.
  6. Group your customized fields into sections and choose in which order the fields will appear. Create a field group by typing in the name that it should have. Or select a field group where this contact field should belong to.
  7. If you have multiple fields in the same group, click on the right on the three stripes and drag the fields to reorder them. The fields will appear in this order in the contact form.
  8. Add a placeholder. A placeholder describes what the user filling in this field will see. It will temporary fill in the field and will be replaced by the input of the user. For example: ‘Enter employees wage’. Or ‘Enter the name of the employee’.
  9. Fill in a maximum length that the answer may be. If you leave it open, the maximum length will be 200 characters.
  10. Fill in a default value if needed. This value will prefill the field, but can be edited by the user filling it in.
  11. Add a suffix or prefix if needed. The suffix will always be added to the end of the short answer. The prefix in front. For example: in ‘€100’ the Euro sign is a prefix and in 100€ the Euro sign is a suffix.
  12. Tick the box if the field is required to be filled to create a contact.
  13. Save it.

Long answer

This contact field almost works the same as a short answer. The only difference it the maximum length: a long answer can be up to 5000 characters. An example of using this field is when you would like to give the user filling it in space to leave a comment or provide additional information.


Contact fields for addresses have default fields for street, postal code, city and country. If you prefer, the last three can be removed.

  1. Click on ‘Address‘.
  2. Click on ‘New Field‘.
  3. Give this field a suitable name and save it.
  4. Click on the pencil-icon to edit the contact field.
  5. Select one or more tags that you would like to connect this field to.
  6. Group your customized fields into sections and choose in which order the fields will appear. Create a field group by typing in the name that it should have. Or select a field group where this contact field should belong to.
  7. If you have multiple fields in the same group, click on the right on the three stripes and drag the fields to reorder them. The fields will appear in this order in the contact form.
  8. Tick the boxes of the address fields that you would like to include. The street address is required by default.
  9. Change the default values if needed.
  10. Select the country if you would like it to be default. This value will prefill the field, but can be edited by the user filling it in.
  11. Tick the box if the address fields are required to be filled in.
  12. Save it.


A contact field can also be used for numbers. A few examples are: wages, days off or hours per day. You can set a minimum and a maximum limit.

  1. Click on ‘Number‘.
  2. Click on ‘New Field‘.
  3. Give this field a suitable name and save it.
  4. Click on the pencil-icon to edit the contact field.
  5. Select one or more tags that you would like to connect this field to.
  6. Group your customized fields into sections and choose in which order the fields will appear. Create a field group by typing in the name that it should have. Or select a field group where this contact field should belong to.
  7. If you have multiple fields in the same group, click on the right on the three stripes and drag the fields to reorder them. The fields will appear in this order in the contact form.
  8. Add a placeholder. A placeholder describes what the user filling in this field will see. It will temporary fill in the field and will be replaced by the input of the user. For example: ‘Enter employees wage’.
  9. Add a minimum and maximum for the number. If limiting is not needed, leave it empty.
  10. Fill in a default value if needed. This default value will prefill the placeholder, but can be edited by the user filling in this field.
  11. Add a suffix or a prefix if needed. The suffix will always appear after the number. The prefix before. For example: in ‘€100’ the Euro sign is a prefix and in 100€ a suffix. Leave open if you don’t need it.
  12. Fill in a decimal cutoff. All numbers after the amount you filled in, won’t show. For example: you set the decimal cutoff at 2. Then 5,0234 will be cutoff to 5,02.
  13. Add thousands separator of you prefer. It refers to the comma that comes when numbers reach the thousand place. For example: 10000 will be 10,000. Click on the drop down. You can choose to have a dot or comma as a separator.
  14. The decimal separator is set as a dot. If you prefer to have this separator as a comma, change it by using the drop down.

    Note: make sure that the thousands separator is different from the decimal separator.
  15. Tick the box ‘Decimal Dash‘ if you would like two zeroes as decimals to be changed into a dash. An example can be: €400,00 (four hundred euros) will turn out into €400,-.
  16. Tick the box if this dynamic field is required to be filled in.
  17. Save it.


Create this type of field if you need an (extra) email address as data. It will be checked whether or not the field contains an email address.

  1. Click on ‘Email‘.
  2. Click on ‘New Field‘.
  3. Give this field a suitable name and save it.
  4. Click on the pencil-icon to edit the contact field.
  5. Select one or more tags that you would like to connect this field to.
  6. Group your customized fields into sections and choose in which order the fields will appear. Create a field group by typing in the name that it should have. Or select a field group where this contact field should belong to.
  7. If you have multiple fields in the same group, click on the right on the three stripes and drag the fields to reorder them. The fields will appear in this order in the contact form.
  8. Add a placeholder. A placeholder describes what the user filling in this field will see. It will temporary fill in the field and will be replaced by the input of the user. For example: ‘Email address employee’.
  9. Fill in a default value if needed.
  10. Add a suffix or prefix if needed. A suffix will appear after the input and a prefix before.
  11. Tick the box if this dynamic field is required to be filled in.
  12. Save it.

A drop down field is used to let the user filling in the contact form choose a value from the list presented. An example would be: ‘Civil status’. The drop down would exist of the following values: ‘Married’, ‘Divorced’, Single’ and ‘Widowed’.

  1. Click on ‘Drop down‘.
  2. Click on ‘New Field‘.
  3. Give this field a suitable name and save it.
  4. Click on the pencil-icon to edit the contact field.
  5. Select one or more tags that you would like to connect this field to.
  6. Group your customized fields into sections and choose in which order the fields will appear. Create a field group by typing in the name that it should have. Or select a field group where this contact field should belong to.
  7. If you have multiple fields in the same group, click on the right on the three stripes and drag the fields to reorder them. The fields will appear in this order in the contact form.
  8. Add a placeholder. A placeholder describes what the user filling in this field will see. It will temporary fill in the field and will be replaced by the input of the user. For example: ‘Job function employee’.
  9. You can select a default value after you filled in the drop down options.
  10. Fill in the drop down options. For example: Senior Analyst, Sales Manager and Intern.
  11. You can change the order of the options by clicking and holding the dots on the left side of the option and drag it where you would like it to have.
  12. Tick the box if the drop down field is required to be filled in.
  13. Save it.


A checkbox is mostly used as a confirmation. An example could be: ‘I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the information above’.

  1. Click on ‘Checkbox‘.
  2. Click on ‘New Field‘.
  3. Give this field a suitable name and save it.
  4. Click on the pencil-icon to edit the contact field.
  5. Select one or more tags that you would like to connect this field to.
  6. Group your customized fields into sections and choose in which order the fields will appear. Create a field group by typing in the name that it should have. Or select a field group where this contact field should belong to.
  7. If you have multiple fields in the same group, click on the right on the three stripes and drag the fields to reorder them. The fields will appear in this order in the contact form.
  8. Tick the box if you would like the box to be checked by default. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.
  9. Tick the second box if the box is required to be checked.
  10. Save it.


Most of the time multiple types dates are relevant to have as data of contacts. For employees, think of date of birth and date of entering the company. And for organizations it could be important to have the collaboration period noted in the contacts. All types of dates can get their own dynamic field and have their own settings.

  1. Click on ‘Date‘.
  2. Click on ‘New Field‘.
  3. Give this field a suitable name and save it.
  4. Click on the pencil-icon to edit the contact field.
  5. Select one or more tags that you would like to connect this field to.
  6. Group your customized fields into sections and choose in which order the fields will appear. Create a field group by typing in the name that it should have. Or select a field group where this contact field should belong to.
  7. If you have multiple fields in the same group, click on the right on the three stripes and drag the fields to reorder them. The fields will appear in this order in the contact form.
  8. If the date that has to be filled in must be between two dates, fill in the min and the max date. The user filling in this field doesn’t have the option to choose a date earlier or later than the two boundaries. Leave the boundaries empty if not needed.
  9. Fill in a default value if needed. Otherwise, leave it open.
  10. Add a suffix or prefix if you prefer. Otherwise, leave it open. A suffix will appear after the input and a prefix before.
  11. Choose a render format. We recommend to choose a format and use that for all ‘Date’ fields.

    Note: if you choose the format dd. month, the user would still need to input a year. Once the contact has been created, it won’t show up.
  12. Tick the box ‘Current Date‘ if the date needs to be the current date at the moment of filling in.
  13. Tick the box if the date is required to be filled in.
  14. Save it.
Updated on July 6, 2023

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