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Introduction Prospect module

What is it
The prospect module is specifically suitable to create complex documents such as sales prospects, fund prospects and insurance policies.

Who is it for
Since it is ideally suited to automate the creation and management of complex documents like funds, financial products and insurance documents it is commonly used by product departments. The creation of a complex document in this module is split up into multiple steps. These steps are taken in one of the following two environments:

  • Admin environment: this environment is typically used by users that create content for documents. They are often content expert, but can also be external experts.
  • Working environment: this environment is typically used by users that build the document with content that is created in the admin environment. In this environment users will also fill the product: fill the dynamic fields with data to generate the end product.

Note: The platform administrator will assign permission to users to be able to work in the working environment or the admin environment.

Why use Prospect Module
If we take a fund prospect as an example, there is a lot of text, pages and data that is dependent on certain conditions, decisions and input. This text often comes from multiple sources and is typically copied and pasted into a new document. A fund prospect usually contains tens of pages. Creating such a document requires a lot of time.

In the Prospect module you can create complex documents like a fund or an insurance policy without having to look for information in multiple documents. You can automate the generation of the document by using predefined texts, called text blocks, that are created by you or someone with in-depth product knowledge. These text blocks can be grouped and labeled to easily find what you need.

It is furthermore possible to determine which users should be able to create and change the text-blocks and which users should be able to use them to generate the actual document. By giving users only access to what they need, you will create more structure and prevent mistakes.
The pros of using the Prospect module:

  • Saves a lot of time: no need to go through the whole document while creating it
  • No need to look for information in multiple documents
  • Security: only giving users access to what they need
  • Automates the generation of a document

Overview of the steps in short
To create a document in the prospect module, you’ll need to take the following steps. Each of the steps have their own guide. Please read them if you would like to know how to take them.

  1. Dynamic Fields/form fields (admin environment): are placeholder fields for any value that you would want to insert into a document as well as being the basis for one or more conditions.
  2. Forms (admin environment): hold a list of form fields/dynamic fields together. It functions as an input for information. The attached text blocks will extract the information from the forms to generate the final document.
  3. Text blocks (admin environment): are attached to forms to generate the document. The Content of text blocks might be conditional in some cases. In order to achieve this you can select the text and attach it to a form field. In addition, you can make a whole text block also conditional.
  4. Product Blueprint (admin environment): In the Product Blueprint you will attach text blocks to forms. A blueprint is a container that enables you to create text logic through managing the relation of text blocks to your forms. Through that container you can choose which text blocks will be shown when the data of your form is filled in. You will decide on the order of the text blocks attached to the forms. If you would like to use the same form for another case and have different text blocks attached to it, you will just need to create a different blueprint.
  5. Product (working environment): In the feature ‘Product’ you will follow two steps to finish the document:
    1. Create the product (document) by selecting a blueprint and structuring the forms with their text blocks attached. Choose how often you need a certain form, in which order they need to be and decide if you need to nest some forms and make them parent or child. This has all to do with hierarchy of the forms (learn about this in the guide  ‘Product’). 
    2. Once you created the product, you’ll need to fill it. Fill in the forms and generate the document.
  • Product template: If you would like to use the structure of a product more often, you can create a product template.

Note: The dynamic fields and text blocks in the Document module cannot be used in the Prospect module and vice versa. The contacts can be used in both modules.

Updated on February 7, 2024

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